(1998) Hi There! By now, most of
you know, I am Rick Pitts. I am the creator and programmer of this
website. This is a little insight to behind the scenes here. My father is
Bob Pitts. He was the Bn. Photographer, and an electrician in the 150th.
He would go to the reunions, and for the last 5 or so years, prior to
1998, he had passed out information about the 150th he would get a hold
of. Sometimes it was stories, once it was the daily history, and once the
unit commendations. He always enjoyed getting this information together
and passing it out to everyone.
In the beginning of 1997, I was trying to figure out what would be a good
birthday gift for him. His birthday being in March, it gave me a little
time. What do you give the man who has almost everything he wants or
needs? Seeing he got plenty of enjoyment out of doing things for the men
of the 150th, I created an email address and website address for his
birthday. The original plan was to only put on the site whatever he had
passed out at the reunions, and each year to add whatever he had given out
that year. Well guess what?? It did not happen that way at all! This site
has replaced the passing out of folders each year. Also with the help of
many of the men and their families, this website has grown far beyond my
wildest dreams!
In May of 1998 I was invited down to the reunion of the men of the 150th.
While there I had 2 computers setup and hooked to the internet. I got to
meet many of the men and their wives. It was a very entertaining and
educational time for me.
Now, thanks to everyone, this site is becoming one of the best World War
II unit sites on the internet. We are growing all the time, and constantly
adding to it.
I have had some help along the way. A good friend of mine of 20+ years,
Linda McMahon, has done the typing of things like the after action
reports, some of the daily history, and other things like that we could
not scan in. She has also been assisted some by her 13 year old daughter
Jen. Another good friend, a Vietnam Veteran, and firefighter, Sarge (Bob)
Hultgren has helped me do some of the scanning. Of course, there is my
father, who has gone over everything to make sure it is correct, as well
as doing a bunch of proofreading, and whose inspiration is behind the
whole thing. I have been the person who's done all the programming, and
layout of the pages. With all this said, there is still one very big
helper left to thank.... that is my 4 year old son Robert. With all his
patience while daddy does "1 more page for granddad". I am a single parent
with custody of my son, so that is why he is even a bigger help.
For those who are wondering, I am 38 years young, and a full time, stay at
home parent. I believe that one parent should always be at home to raise
the children, whenever possible. I believe that is even more important
than getting that newer car, or nicer home, and especially when there is
only one parent.
So now that I have rambled on, I am leaving you with a picture.
This is at the 52nd reunion,
(Left to Right)
Myself, Sarge, and my Dad, Bob Pitts.
UPDATE 2003 - Things have changed quite a bit since the above. My son has gown a lot, and is now in 4th grade. I have a very successful computer repair business, and for the first time in a couple years I am back to work on the website. Oh yea, my hair and beard are much shorter now too. Oh yea, Jen is now in the Air Force too.
UPDATE 2021 - As always things have changed QUITE a bit in the last 18 years! I spent 20 years in the IT business and dabbling in real estate. I have since retired and moved from New Hampshire to West Virginia. I have been happily married for the last 13 years. My friend Sarge passed away a few years ago, and my dad passed away Nov 2020 of Covid. He was 97. My son Robert is now married and self employed like his dad! Lastly, my beard is shorter, and hair is a little lighter now! (and long again).