Here are all the changes done to the Website 1997-2009!

Added more space to the site. Sorted files into sub-directories for easier management. Uploaded all the new pictures & created the holiday page. Added sound to main page.
12/14/97 Created the Final Tribute page.
12/27/97 Inspected all pages to be sure they were working & edited bridge files slightly for minor blemishes
12/28/97 Made index for pictures, fixed Rhine River pictures, posted this file.
12/29/97 Resized some pictures & graphics, created and posted opening page.
1/05/98 Added a page to miscellaneous bridges, & fixed where bridge pages linked to.
1/06/98 Added to awards page, finished fixing where other pages linked to.
1/07/98 Added 8 pages to Bridge Pictures.
1/10/98 Finished adding the bridge & troops pictures.
1/14/98 Added Miscellaneous pictures section. (3 pages.) & a picture to page 4 of troops
1/23/98 Changed to the welcome page. Changed the darkroom picture and text around so if fits on every ones screen.
1/27/98 Linked the awards page to the opening page, fixed minor blemishes, Added the coming soon page.
2/1/98 Started duplicate sight. http://**********/boston/~engineer. I will shorten this address later. It's now http://****to/150th (note these are defunct)
2/12/98 Joined c*****o/s****o program, so people can get here easier.(note this is now defunct)
2/21/98 Fixed the map to look MUCH better.
2/22/98 Added Announcements to opening page.
2/24/98 Added Europe 50 years Later, Sarre River Crossing, Mock German Village built in Basic.
3/2/98 Added Purple Hearts in H&S.
3/4/98 Fixed a couple broken links. Added 2 new commendations. Worked on new pages coming in the next couple days.
3/5/98 Added Basic Training, under the pictures index.
3/6/98 Added more commendations.
3/7/98 Added 1943 to the unit history.
3/8-10/98 Moved stories and articles to it's own index page.
3/25/98 Consolidated the pictures to less pages. Cleaned up the many more pages. Now it will be easier to add to the sight.
3/30/98 Added the newest Newsletter, you can find it under reunions.
3/31/98 Finished May 1945 in the ETO.
4/2/98 Finished the Daily History, adding June - August, 1945.
4/5/98 Fixed the blanks in Sept. - Dec. 44 & Mar - Apr. 45 of the daily history.
4/6/98 Added names to troops pages.
4/7/98 Added names to the bridges, reorganized the Bailey Bridges, and added pictures to the Sarre River story.
4/9/98 Finished getting rid of the "misc. bridge" section, put them where they belonged. Added 3 "misc. pics" I missed somehow earlier.
4/13/98 Added Emails I have received to the sight.
4/14/98 Major work on the pictures. Got rid of "new pictures" section, added them where they belonged. Put in a new picture section dedicated to the battalion photographer, combined Christmas and Postcards.
4/18/98 Added 27 more pictures, between troops, basic, and misc. Fixed error with the final bridge, added pictures to that page.
4/20/98 Added 2 more stories. One to stories, one to Rhine.
4/22/98 Added history and traditions of the Engineers.
4/23/98 Added the NEW 150th's section.
4/25/98 Added pictures to Basic, and page two of troops. Added the military website section.
4/26/98 Added Patton to stories, changed daily history section to Reports, added interesting reading there. Added picture to page 2 of troops. (last week that was the smallest page, now it is the biggest)
4/27/98 Added the bulletin board for people to leave messages or requests.
4/30/98 Added 3 more great stories from Col. Bruce Reagan.
5/3/98 Reconfigured the troops pages broken down by Company. Added 25 more pictures. Located in troops- Company A, Basic pg. 1&2, Photographer, Bailey bridge, pg. 1, Reunions, and Misc. pictures pg. 1&2. Reformatted the main pages pictures.
5/9/98 Worked on the webrings page, removed myself from a couple useless ones, and joined a history ring (note webrings are defunct). Added engineer graphic to opening page.
5/10/98 Facelift to main page, putting trim around many of the graphics. Added bridging data to picture index page. Remade the map, and added Bn Locations to map page. Added more to the stories, from Col. Reagan.
5/11/98 Worked on opening page some, fixed cartoon drawing of my dad on the main page, the 150th drawing on the commendations page, added another of the stories of Col. Reagan..... and more to be done before the reunion on Wednesday.
5/12/98 More work on the opening and main pages. Added a new section... The list of Decorations the men received. I also added to that, the citation for Ray Chandler.
5/19/98 Added Reunion Portraits to the Reunion Page. Fixed the reunion list. Removed the motel application from the page until next years comes out. Added Motor March map to basic training.
Added music to all the pages. Added names to more of the troops, fixed a few links, fixed many little things. Added a couple pictures to misc. pictures. This sight now consists of 150 pages and 500 files.
5/29/98 Added 2 stories to the story page, a news article to the reunion page, and finished updating the decorations.
5/31/98 Changed the music configuration on EVERY page so those with Internet Explorer can enjoy the music also.
6/2/98 Latest newsletter, located under Reunions
6/4/98 Worked on quite a bit here; Reunion page, added news articles and pictures. Basic Training - News article to the first page, bunker hill parade link, and pictures to Deutschedorf. Misc. Pictures - A rocket to the 1st page. Treadway Bridges - News/picture of bridge over the Sure River. Final bridge built. 4 more pictures of the Cassidy bridge. Troops - Page 4 of H&S, Page 1 of "A" Co. plus added 2 more pages to "A" Company. Added "C" Company. This added about another 120 pictures to the website. We need your help. We need everyone on page 2 and 3 of "A" Company identified. All the above work is not even a dent in what is still coming!
6/7/98 Added a new section called Trips taken. It is all about the trips taken by the men of the 150th to retrace there steps they took during the war. This includes the 1964 & 1984 trips. We moved stories about the trips from the stories section to there. We moved a story from the story section to the reunion section. We added a short story from Jack Copley, and a story from Col. Reagan to the story section. Added more pictures to the troops, added "B" Company, and more to page 2 of "C" Company.
6/13/98-6/16/98 Added another story of Col. Reagan's to the Rhine River Section. Started reducing the load time of the picture pages. This will be done gradually in the next few days. I revamped the dedicated to section. Load time very quick now. Finished fixing the sight to load quicker. Adjusted the troops pages so the have 15 or less photo's each page. There should be no further problems with slow loading pages. Added to Troops, Company "B" & Reunions.
7/10/98 Fixed the ID on the large "A" Co. Photo, and added names to a few others. I also added a link to the WWII Memorial Homepage under both links and military websites.
7/14/98 Added a section for the dedication of the Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge Monument.
8/1/98 Added third reunion picture. In the past two weeks also added new guestbook, and a few cosmetic changes.
8/6/98 Added names to one page of "A" Co. Troops
8/11/98 Added "more pictures" section to the New 150th area. Another page of B Company, 52nd reunion pictures to reunions. Created a page about behind the scenes, and the insight to the websites creation. Added more to the emails sent to me about the website.
8/17/98 Added a couple more emails, and 2 better Rhine river pictures
8/23/98 Added pictures to Bailey bridges and Treadway bridges. Added 1948 newsletter. Made the new page for changes.
8/26/98 Added Pat MacIsaac's picture to "B" Co. troops, added more past newsletters & pictures to reunions. A great story by Arthur Boucher in stories. More to the New 150th & Moved the New 150th to tips taken. Also gave a facelift to the links for guestbooks, emails, and the bulletin board system.
8/27/98 Had to temporarily close the backup site, due to it crashing everyone's system. If they are unable to repair there problems soon, we will look for another backup server.
8/28/98 Added another page of misc. reunion pictures, pictures to the medics, a picture to battle of the bulge, one to H&S troops, and another of the photographer. Added reunion presidents information to the page with the list of reunions. Unfortunately we do not have a lot of info yet.
9/7/98 Another step into the major facelift this site will receive over the course of the next few months. Added the River Crossed Section, and moved the final bridge built, Rhine & Sarre River's, and Bridging Data all moved to the New Rivers Crossed Section. Deleted the coming soon section, at least for now. There is still quite a bit coming though.
9/8/98 More of the facelift. All the bridges are now under Rivers Crossed. If you saw them in there old format, it is worth looking at again!
9/9/98 Added quite a few newsletters to reunions.
9/17/98 Added 3rd page to B Company troops pictures, 1 picture to "Leftovers" in rivers crossed.
9/19/98 Changed backup site servers. The backup address is still (now defunct) Changed the opening page so the same page can be used on both sites.
10/1/98 Added pictures of the trip taken in 1984 to retrace the steps the 150th took. Taken by Arthur Boucher. Also corrected an error in the date on the story by Bill Morrisey. Added backgrounds to all the trips pages. As of this posting, the sections of the reactivation of the 150th, and the trip taken in 1984 are complete. I will not be adding anything further to those sections, unless it is something of high quality and significance.
10/5/98 Added 50th Reunion Newspaper article into reunions. Fixed a few typo's on the 1984 trip pictures. (Thanks Norm). Added the trip itinerary to the 1984 trips. (Forgot it earlier). More of the facelift, added backgrounds to the reports section. Working hard on adding more to the reports section. Should be done in a week or so.
10/10/98 Moved the map of the route the 150th took to rivers crossed. Added to Sarre River Crossing, including pictures from before/after the 150th was there. Removed the duplicate 50th reunion newspaper article. More of the facelift to the site... Made a new section called Post War Activities. This is where all the reunion information is, the trips taken, etc. Moved pictures from misc. to Troops -- Photographer, H&S (pg. 4.), Officers. Bridges -- Sarre River & Leftovers. Fixed final tribute page so all names are in one column. Put background on all the bulge pictures.
10/14/98 Added pictures (taken from the misc. section) to Troops -- H&S (pg. 2, 3, & 4), and the troop index page. Added 4 pictures to the reunions page. Picture to Page 2 of "B" Co. troops.
10/22/98 More of the facelift. Did away with the page linking to pictures. Moved them to the main page. Moved commendations to the respective rivers. Put backgrounds on basic training files. Many little cosmetic things. Spent the past week promoting the website. I have added a few links to other engineer sites under military links. Added backgrounds to cards, misc. pictures, new 150th, and troops. Moved road crew (or roadwork) to troops.
10/25/98 Finished fixing links in reunions and stories. Finished adding backgrounds to everything but stories and new 150th. I will get to them soon. --- Got to them. I have finished with backgrounds on all sections of the website. If you find a page without a background, or and page that the background makes the page hard to read, PLEASE Email me and let me know.
11/8/98 Fixed a few minor blemishes. Corrected some of the credits to those who donated to the website. Combined the banner and text links together. I am unsure how much longer before the next major update. I am working on a lot of things to add.
11/20/98 Moved the last of the commendations to the reports section. Also did other minor touch-ups. I have been hard at work on the next update. So much valuable and interesting material to be added. Including pictures, stories, letters, and more.
11/28/98 Added a new version of the coming soon page. It consists of 12 Enlarged images as a preview of the pictures coming. There is a lot of new stuff going to be added as December roles along.
12/2/98 Added the latest newsletter and motel application for the next reunion to post war/reunion section. Added more names to the credits for donations to the website. I am sorry I missed a few names earlier. I also adding my Email address to the bottom of each page, and fixing a bug in the site which causes peoples browsers to crash when they try to print the page.
12/8/98 Added the newest section of pictures. The PTA. Which is the Planes, Trains, and Automobiles. (Jeeps & Trucks) Still much more new stuff coming.
12/28/98 Added pictures to basic training. Added names to Pg. 1 Troops Company B. Found a major problem in the new software I was using. Although I fixed one bug that was causing a few older browsers to crash, it was creating a whole new problem! So I am kind of stumped on which one to use, or find a new one. I will try over the next few days to get about 30 more pictures online. On Christmas day we had our 6000 visitor! Great milestone!
12/30/98 Created a new section of pictures... Front Lines & German Equipment. Added page 4 of Co. "A" troops. A few of the pictures there have a story.
12/31/98 Another new page of bridges. Under "Rivers Crossed" it's titled bridges built. Also fixed some minor errors and the music in the rivers section. I removed the coming soon previews because I just finished putting most of them on the website. Now that all this is done, I found I still have about another 20 pictures scanned in almost set to go online. Added more to the Reports Section. All the reports during basic training. I also did the facelift to that section, and fixed the music bug in it. Added a little poem by Bob Mahoney to River Crossed main page. Added a second page of bridges built. Added the XII Corps map to rivers crossed. I have now started our 4th new guestbook. Thanks for all the support. For the final thing of the old year..... I have added 4 large color pictures of the Sarre River's current looks, in Sarreguemines, France. Including the new bridge. Located under Rivers Crossed, then Sarre River Crossing. Thanks to Benoit Lorang in France for taking the time to take these pictures and scanning them in for us. This concludes the final 14 straight hours of work on this website for 1998.
Now I wish everyone a Happy New Year, and may we all find peace, once and for all.

A special thanks to Ralph Randlett, "C Co." & his family for making a donation to the website, and for a gift certificate for my son and I.

1/5/99 Added another Christmas card from 1944. Moved a commendation from reports to XII corps map under Rivers Crossed. Added to, or fixed commendations for the Moselle, Rhine, Blies, and Sarre Rivers.
2/4/99 I took most of the past month off from working on the website. A much needed vacation. I moved the wide picture of Company A to basic where it belonged. Added pictures to page 2 of Basic, Rhine River Crossing, made a new section the dogs of the 150th. Added to Planes & Trains. I still have plenty coming, but after 9 hours work, I am out of time until the weekend. Check back for more then.
2/7/99 Happy Birthday to my son Robert. He turned 5 today! I moved some of the troops pictures, and added to Trucks, Jeeps, Other Vehicles, Planes, Road Crew, Frontlines, Rhine River pictures, Medics, Company "A" of troops, and Dogs of the 150th. Removed about 6 dead links from military websites. Added a new webring "The war ring". 6 more hours put into it, and I still have more coming this week.
2/9/99 Added 8 more pictures to Company "A". We are one of the selected sights from Del Rey books to receive a free copy of Harry Turtledove's continuation of his acclaimed WWII alternative history. Please check out Del Rey Books, part of Randomhouse & Penguin books.
2/22/99 On Sat 13 Feb., my computer hard drive crashed. In the crash I lost all my information on 2 hard drives. I managed to restore 1 of the 2, but the drive that had all my tools for the website, and all the files that make up the website, would not restore from my tape back up. So the last 1-1/2 weeks I have been trying to get it all replaced from different sources.
The good news, I have the website and most of the tools for building it restored now. It took a lot of updates to get it all back up to date on my computer.
I have also started scanning in more pictures again. I just updated all the pages in the reunion section, and added in a picture from the 7th reunion, in 1953. I also moved all of the changes prior to 1999 to the next page.
3/8/99 Minor facelift of the opening page, to entice more users to go beyond the first page. With the help of his son, Identified Col. Van Atta on the officers pictures page.
Added pictures to; 1st reunion picture. Pg. 1 & 2 of Basic Training. Troops, Co. "A", "C", & H&S. Also alphabetized the pictures of the troops, and removed a few of the low quality pictures, or if there were to many of any one soldier.
3/22/99 I decided it was time to add to the emails received about this site. Let everyone know the things being said about the site, and my work.
For the next 6 weeks the updates will not be to frequent. I have just bought a house, and am putting most of my time into working on it, and then moving in. I will try to make a few updates on the days I am relaxing (or recovering) from the work on the new house.
I added something different for a change, a letter home about a soldiers leave in Paris, complete with pictures. This is in a new section for Newspaper articles, Fliers, and Letters, which now has 11 other items in it I did today. Added a GREAT picture of a bridge, 1944 and today on the Sarre River. Our friend in France really out did himself on this one. Also in a help section for those who are looking for information.
3/24/99 Added war ration information in the letters & newspaper section.
3/25/99 Added more to the Newspaper, Fliers, & Letters section.
4/8/99 Moved Christmas and postcards to the Newspaper and Letters section. Added a couple Christmas cards. Added the history of the 21 Gun Salute, the Corps of Engineers, Battle History of WWII, & Campaign History of WWII, to History and Traditions.
4/12/99 Fixed an error, the links for the cards were not showing up. Added the latest news letter to the reunion information. Fixed the problem about the story of Pat MacIsaac, where his picture was not showing up.
4/17/99 Moved the news article of Pat MacIsaac and Gen. Patton to Letters and Newspapers. Fixed the sound on the stories page. It would cause odd errors on some browsers, and play twice as loud as other pages. Also added my e-mail link to the bottom of the stories pages
5/11/99 Added my fathers Bronze Star to Decorations received. Presidential Unit Citation Ribbon above the citation on bottom of the main page. WWII victory Ribbon to opening page. The Army and You, a booklet given out to new recruits in the letters section. Added 5 letters home to letters section. Co. "B" 3rd Platoon roster to letters. Added a letter about Comments on Leadership from Col. Van Atta to Letters.
5/17/99 Added a letter from Mike Luciano's Sister to letters, and a story about the trip home to stories. Also would like to welcome aboard Carolyn Buckner, wife of Harry Buckner, who is helping with some typing.
5/27/99 Added names to a bunch of "A" Company Troops and a picture to Officers, a news article about a 54 year guilty conscience, a story about Germans surrendering.
6/27/99 Added over 50 pictures from the 1999 reunion, plus 1 short movie. All to reunions, located under post war activities. I also updated the list of reunions.
While there, be sure to check out who was the hit of the dance floor on Wednesday evening. A special thanks to all the ladies who danced with him.
First, this is a sad day for the USA. It we have lost a VIP, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Jr. 38 years young! I ask everyone to give a moment of silence in his honor.

Added a second page of Major Edmund Knight bridge pictures to final bridges built, a second page of leftovers, more then and now pictures under Sarre River, all under the rivers crossed section. Added a picture to road crew, and a section called women to troops, a picture to Front-lines, a picture to Miscellaneous, three pictures the the PTA section. Added pictures from the 1958 reunion, and added that reunion information to the reunions list. I am STILL looking for information on when and where the 1951, 1954, 1959, 1960, and 1975. Corrected an error and added to the 6th reunion pictures. I had mistakenly called it the 5th reunion. Added 2 cards to the letters section. Added the British Medal of Honor Citation given to Sgt. Poisson under decorations.
This is less than half of what I still have to get online still. I am going to try to take a few days to get this site updated completely. The above work is at least 40 hours of work between two different people.
For those who do not know, I have been working constantly on my new house. This is why updates to the website have been so slow. I finally have the ability to sit back and relax sometimes. So maybe I can knock out more work on the website.
7/18/99 (late) Added the preview section again. 31 more pictures. BUT I still have another 50-75 pictures still to work on so I can post them. Maybe some time this week I will try.
8/12/99 Fixed a few little problems that come up with Microsoft's Internet explorer. This was a shock to me, seeing I use Netscape all the time. It seems like Microsoft if very picky. So please, if you see a page that things do not look right on, let me know so I can fix it up some.
Over the past 3 weeks I have done a lot of little things on the site just doing some much needed maintenance. I never did get around to putting the rest of the pictures online though... Sorry about that. I will get to it shortly. I also have another story to put on-line, and some manuals. So keep checking back. This fall is when the manuals on the bridges and the soldiers handbook will come online. That is going to require quite a bit of work.
8/21/99 Added something to the bottom of most pages so I can track what is popular and what isn't. Spent the past couple weeks mostly promoting the website further, to get more traffic on it.
8/26/99 Minor Facelift time. I rearranged things on the opening page and main page, so that we may be able to increase traffic, and to make the site look even better.
As of now I have removed the short addresses from the opening page. (,, They have not worked out all that well. To often you would type in the name and it would not take you to the website. Now they are putting pop-up ads on my sites.
8/28/99 Added more names to Pg.'s 1-3 of "A" Co. troops, and to officers. Fixed some typo's. All thanks to Bill Morrissey.
9/10/99 In the past week or so I added a new site to the list of places hosting the 150th's Website. It was I ask people to try that and see if it works without a problem. I am trying to find the most reliable place to host our website. I hope eventually to have an address like or If you think you might be interested in sponsoring the cost for this to happen, please contact me.
Added another 1st Reunion Picture, of everyone there. A better 25th Reunion picture so you can make out people. 3 more Early Reunion Pictures. Placed most of the Ribbons onto the Decorations Received.
9/12/99 Changed castles on the main page. Replaced the photo of my dad in the farm house dark room with a better quality one, and added an enlarged view of that picture. Added more information about the Rhine River Crossing to the Rhine Crossing under the rivers crossed section. Added pictures from a USO show to the Miscellaneous pictures section.
9/16/99 Added a new story to Stories. "Jumping Joe" Calve
9/27/99 Added a new Webring WWII Analyzed. Added new award.
9/30/99 Added 2 more stories from Bob Pearl, A Night Out, and Sgt. Szychulski. Remodeled a little bit of the main page. It's that time again... time to make this site look even better... As soon as I get a few more pictures scanned in I will be working more on a new design.
10/4/99 Added Battalion Officers Group Photo from Ft. Dix, NJ. Just before shipping out overseas.
10/5/99 Added Company "B" Group Photo from Ft. Dix to Basic Training main page.
11/8/99 Found out the above was "C" Company, and corrected it. Bigger news is we have a new EASY address.. or . Either way you come to our site. Added another award I received.
12/1/99 Now have A, B, & C Company's group photo's under Basic. All we need now is H&S. On another note, For the first time in my life I now have the chicken pox! What a horrid thing this is for anyone to go through. I am now on day 4, so about another week of torture to go yet.
12/4/99 I am JINXED on these large company pictures from Basic. I replaced the one I had from A company with one I scanned in much better..... I scanned in the wrong one... so we had two of C Company again! I have fixed it now! I also have added the following;
Story from Bill Morrissey-- He stood between me and death, about Bill and Ed Barsom. H&S's Basic Training Picture. 1949 Reunion Letter and Flyer, 1950 Reunion Letter & Post Cards.
12/6/99 I was surprised. It took almost a days work to scan in and set up the newspaper the POST under the letters section. It was from the end of the war in Regansburg, Germany. Added the following;
A little more to the 1949 reunion newsletter page. The 2000 Motel Application. Identified many names in one of the early reunion pictures. Many more Medics Pictures.
12/11/99 I moved everything from the preview area to where it belonged; Miscellaneous Pictures, P T A, Troops (A company pg. 4), Rivers Crossed (leftover bridges pg. 2), and Frontlines. I added bombed out buildings to Frontlines. Also took some from "Miscellaneous Pictures" and put them into Frontlines.
Added the following; S-3 map of Ft Dix Dec. 1943 to Basic. 3 pictures to reunions (80's), 1 picture to Troops, pg. 4 of Company A, 4 pictures to "Unknown" troops. Drawing of Bailey Bridge added to story of Bailey Bridge under Rivers Crossed. Picture of Patton "marking" his territory under Rivers.
12/12/99 It has been a LOT of work. I just went through all 295 pages, online. I fixed many small problems. I need YOUR help. If you come to a page that a picture does not load, or get an ERROR message page or document not found, Email me and let me know what page so I can fix it. I think I have all the bugs out now.
12/20/99 Added the correct ribbon to the Presidential Unit citation, and changed the music on the opening page.
12/26/99 Rearranged the main page so people looking for assistance to find another unit or person not in the 150th will hopefully look at the assistance page before sending email to me, asking me.
I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year.

2000 - 2009
1/1/2000 Started the next guestbook. And the new changes page. I hope everyone had a safe and happy New Years eve. We had about 11,000 visitors in 1999! Lets see if we can do it again! I would like to see 20,000 in 2000! So keep coming back, and tell your friends!
Also PLEASE do not forget, access us on our server.
1/23/2000 Added a way to help support this website. So we can grow further and be even better than we are. Just click on the banner on the bottom of the page.
2/23/2000 Fixed a few small problems. I have not had much time to do updates the past couple months. I have been spending most of my time helping out the local school, by fixing and building computers, and getting them up and running.
3/21/2000 Removed all the links to websites that do not exist, or are linked through the old guestbook's. I have also fixed many broken links in the military websites section.
3/25/2000 Added a story from Jack Copley about his revisiting Normandy in November 1999. It can be found under trips taken -- post war activities
4/24/2000 Added 2 pictures to Company "C" in troop, and one to Reunions, under 5 pictures from the early days. Identified a couple people under troops H&S Page 4. Fixed a few small things through out the website.
5/8/2000 Added a complete index to the website under table of contents. Fixed a few pages of pictures so they show up better on your screen.
5/30/2000 Identified "A" Company Cadre, page 2 of Basic Training. Identified troops pictures now on Pg. 2 & 3 of "A" Co., Pg. 2 of "C" Co., Pg. 1, 3, 4, & 5 of "H&S", 3 pictures from 80's & 4 men from the early days, under Reunions.
Added 10 new pictures to the following sections; dogs of the 150th, basic training pg. 3 (new page), & Misc. Pictures
I have started scanning again, so keep checking back...... I have upwards of another 200 or more pictures to put on the website.
6/15/2000 As of now we will no longer allow requests for information to clog up the guestbook. The Bulletin Board (now defunct) is the place for that. As of this time I also am no longer taking requests for the website on CD.
6/19/2000 Added to the Reunions Page; The latest reunion! Over 60 photos from the professional photographer. 20th Reunion pictures, 3 pictures from the early days to reunions, another picture to the 11th reunion. A picture to the news article of the 50th Reunion and my dad receiving a plaque.
Updated the credits of everyone that donated pictures and stuff to the website.
Added the overseas burial plots to the final tribute.
6/23/2000 I have started working on making it easier to navigate this website. It has become so big it is hard to get from one section to the other without doing a long trip back and forth. I have taken the Table of Content and made all the pages listed in it, active links, and I am adding a drop down menu to make it easier to go from one section to another. It is going to take some time to edit all 310 pages so the menu is on it. I hope before July is over to have this completed. Please let me know if you come across any broken links with this new system
6/24/2000 I now have worked out a bunch of bugs in the new menu navigation. It is now on 18 pages. This is going to be a long process. But will be worth it when I am done. I also am making it so you can stop the music if you want to. Unfortunately you have to hit stop on each page. Right now it only works if you use Netscape. I will have to figure out how to disable it in Internet Explorer later. (update this never worked and has been stopped as an option. sorry for the few that do not know how to mute it on their end if they do not want to hear it)
7/30/2000 I have removed the music controls, seeing there was no way to make it so it worked right, and looked right, for everybody. Mostly because of how poorly Internet Explorer handles it. Really made the site look low class. I am also back to working a little bit on the site. Had to take time off to work on the house and other stuff. Hope you all are enjoying your summer.
8/3/2000 Added a new counter to the opening page. It is only off by 25,000 or more visitors. I also added another 30 E-mail's I received about the my (great & hard) work on the website. Also have added the navigation bar to so many more pages. I think the site is 1/2 done. I hope this week to have most or all to be finished finally!
8/5/2000 I finished putting the navigation bar on the entire 311 pages! (I think). PLEASE, try using this bar as much as possible, and let me know how it works, if there is any problems. Now, after all this HARD work, I am off to a vacation on the Beautiful White Mountains of New Hampshire!
10/5/2000 I noticed it has been 2 months since I last worked on the website. I have been so busy working on the house, and raising my son, I have not had time. But times are changing again. Last week I finally scanned in about 50 pictures. I will work on them as time allows this month, and try to get them online before the end of the month. So keep checking back.
12/2/2000 I have to apologize, as I have not managed to get the pictures I promised 2 months ago online. I am putting all my free time into my house, before winter hits full force. Then maybe I will finally have some free time to update the website. Thank you everyone who writes and compliments the website! I assure you the final pictures I have will make it online sometime early winter.
12/11/2000 Added a new award to the awards page
1/27/2001 Finally! I have added in the pictures scanned in months ago! It is under troops, unsorted files. 38 pictures on 2 pages. Added 5 pictures to pg. 3 of Company `A' troops.
3/23/2001 Added the motel application to the reunions page.
3/24/2001 Added 2 awards received last month. Added the history of the word ESSAYONS to history and traditions. Added more info about the River crossed in Parroy France, including a then and now photo. Updated the Table of Contents to include a few new pages and missing pages.
6/13/2001 WOW! It does not seem like 3 months since I touched the website! Well all I have done is identified 2 more of the troops on pg. 5 of Company A. Thanks to Floyd Nickerson. Also removed the motel application, until next years comes out.
8/5/2001 Added another great story to the stories page. It is An odyssey with the 150th by George Kimball. There is so much more to come, but I have not had the free time to get the updates done. It will happen eventually. Added a story about Michael Zorbas to post war activities.
5/17/2002 I have done a lot of minor things over the past 9 months not worth putting in here. I just added 2 pages to B Company, under troops. 1 page is unidentified, so please help.
The men just finished their 56th annual reunion! It was a great success, and as always, I thank everyone who helped my son and I feel so welcome.
2/20/2003 Although I have not changed this page, over the past 9 months I have done a lot of little cleanup things on the site, identified a few pictures, and today fixed the webring page people use to navigate to and from the site with.
Every week I still continue to receive many emails dealing with the website, WWII, and requests for information. I do enjoy hearing from people, but I need to make it clear for those who can not understand, I can NOT help people find ANY information about people, units, or anything NOT dealing with ANY outfit besides the 150th.
7/21/2003 I added the amber alert system to my front page and my main page. Over the last 5 months I have done some minor changes. I have been too busy with my computer business to do much to the website besides minor maintenance. If I find time over the next couple months I am going to post a bunch of pictures on an unsorted pictures page. Maybe as time goes on I can sort them and identify them for you.
10/7/2003 I have made the guestbook's from 2000, 2001, & 2002 to their own pages. I added a FAQ page for more help for all of the people who want records or want to find people, or other information. Cleaned up the front page some.
11/15/03 Added in a new section called UNSORTED pictures pages. Many of these pictures are either low quality, or there are many others like them on the site. I have created page 1 so far. There is about 10 pages of them coming, as I edit every picture. Also, I have some real nice pictures coming online soon too. So keep checking the site out.
5/8/04 Added another new section called new pictures. This section has both the low resolution and higher quality pictures with them. This has been long waited. Thanks to Michael Fanell, grandson of Staff Sgt. Pasqualle (Pat) Capparelle, Co B, from Greenwich, CT for all these pictures.
5/10/04 Fixed a lot of deal links on the page of military websites.
5/12/04 While at the 58th reunion, I corrected the error in Sgt. Poisson's great honor, from British medal of honor to British Medal. Still a great honor. The first night at the reunion is a great success. The dance floor was very busy with everyone dancing. From my son Robert who is 10, dancing with all the women, to Lt. Col. Makholm who is 90 years old burning up the dance floor.
5/13/2004 36 men where out in formation today to honor their fallen comrades. The dining hall was just about as full as it has been for many years. This is due to many family members coming to the reunion. What a great success this has been.
5/14/2004 What a sad day. After the reunion committee had been telling people for the last two days that there would be 2 more reunions like this one, they voted to end all formal reunions after next year. They also took a few minutes to honor ME for all my hard work on the website. This was a great honor for me. I have enjoyed putting this website together, and enjoyed the past 7 years of meeting up with these men. They have welcomed me at the reunions and the association meetings as if I was one of there own. Thank you to these men, from the bottom of my heart. I will never forget you.
5/16/2004 Worked on adding a bunch of new pictures to Basic Training, Pictures of Deutschedorf. Added many larger pictures to this section so you can see it clearly now.
1/26/2005 Added a new section to stories. It is for stories from guys from other units in WWII
12/04/2005 Identified Major Merzweiler on the officers page, and added a story about the young Czechoslovakian girls.
10/5/2006 Tonight we moved the 150ths website to a new server. Unfortunately, as with any major change, there is likely to be problems, and this move was no different. Many of the picture names were in the wrong format, so when you go to a page, it shows up with no images. This means I have to rename over 500 pictures to get them to work right. This will probably take me a week or so.
10/8/2006 The entire website section is working now. If you find anything NOT working right, please let me know right away so I can fix it. Thanks. I also fixed all the links in the extensive list of website links. I have clicked on each one and made sure they worked, removing all the dead links.
6/8/2009 We had to move to a new guestbook. While at it I cleaned up a few typo's. Still to come is the new bulletin board, & counter for the main page. We managed to find the lost guestbook & bulletin board, so they have all been formatted and put online. Thanks to Jason at Dream Networks!
I have added this history of taps again to the website. It is on the Final Tribute page. Due to so many complaints that I was wrong on what I had on the site about taps, I took it off, as I did not have time to do the full research. Upon finding out that the story I had online was correct, I have put it back on, and I have also included the source.
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