Omaha Beach Map


The 4th U.S. Infantry Division, landed here from 06.30 onwards, at La Madeleine (U.S. monument there now), nearly two miles south of the intended landing. Fortunately, the German defenses were weak at this point.

By midday the beach was completely cleared. The third battalion of 8 Infantry Regiment had pushed a detachment inland about 8 miles, to Chef-du-Pont, and this had linked up with 82nd Airborne Division. 23,250 men, 1,700 vehicles and 1,695 tons of supplies had been landed.

To see : War-Museums at Ste-Mere-Eglise, Ste-Marle-du-Mont and Cherbourg; Commemorative monuments at Carentan, Ste-Mere-Eglise and St-Martin-de-Varreville.


The 1st U.S. Infantry Division landed here from 06.30 onwards. However, there was a rough sea at the foot of the cliffs. The first assault wave suffered heavy loses; at 07.00, when the second wave went in, the Germans opened up with artillery. The beach had not been cleared of anti-invasion devices, and the tide was rising. A few assault groups reached the top of the beach. Two destroyers moved close inshore and shelled the German gun positions. The Pointe du Hoc was climbed and captured by 225 Rangers, but they were pinned down by an enemy counter-attack until D + 2. A small bridgehead was established. This was the most difficult of all the landings.

To see : the commemorative monuments at St-Laurent-sur-Mer, and lsigny-sur-Mer, and the Pointe du Hoc.


The 50th British Infantry Division landed here, beginning at 07.25, in front of Ver, Meuvaines, Asnelles.

Good work by the Engineers in clearing the landing areas. Infantry fought their way on D-Day.

No. 47 Royal Marines Commando reached its objective to the west, Port-en-Bessin, which it entered on D+2, thus linking up with the Americans.

To see : the Liberation Memorial at Bayeux, the permanent Museum of the Normandy Landings at Arromanches, the commemorative monument at Port-en-Bessin.


The 3rd Canadian Infantry Division landed here from 07.00 onwards.
The 7th Brigade was established in Creully by 17.00.
The 8th Brigade landed at Bernieres and St-Aubin.

Strongly defended, two heavily fortified radar stations held out until 17 June.

One objective, Carpiquet, was not reached; but a considerable bridgehead was established. Liaison with 3rd British Division on the left flank had not been made.

To see : the commemorative monument at Bernleres, the monuments at Courseulles and St-Aubin.


The 3rd British Infantry Division began landing at 07.30 between Lion-sur-Mer and Ouistreham-Riva-Bella. Its mission was to take Caen. But although the villages of Hermanville, Periers, Beuville, Bieville and Blainville were over-run, a vigorous counter attack by 21st Panzer Division reached Bieville at 16.00 and then Periers. No. 4 Commando, under Commander Philippe Kieffer, landed at 08.45, put the fortified position at Riva-Belia out of action, and linked up with the Airborne troops at Benouville by 13.30. A deep bridgehead was held, but Caen was still German hands.

To see : the commemorative monument at Benouville, the war museums at Riva-Belia and Benouville.



Colieville-St-Laurent, on the seaside between Arromanches and Grandcamp,
9386 burials

Saint-James, in the south of Manche, between Avranches and Fougres,
4410 burials


Banneville-Sannerville, between Caen and Troarn,
2175 burials

4655 burials

Brouay, between Caen and Bayeux,
377 burials

Cambes-en-Plaine, between Caen and Courseulles,
224 burials

Chouain (Jerusalem), between Bayeux and Tilly-sur-Seulles,
48 burials

Douvres -La Delivrande, between Caen and Luc-sur-Mer,
123 burials

Fontenay-le-Pesnel, between Caen and Caumont-I'Evente,
520 burials

Hermanville-sur-Mor, on the cost,
1005 burials

Hottot-les-Bagues, between Caen and Caumont-I'Evente,
1138 burials

Ranville, near Pegasus Bridge,
2563 burials

Ryes, between Bayeux and Arromanches,
987 burials

Saint-Manvieu, between Caen and Caumont-I'Evente,
2186 burials

Secqueville-en-Bessin, between Caen and Bayeux,
117 burials

Tilly-sur-Seulles, between Caen and Balleroy,
1224 burials

Saint-Charies-de-Percy, near Beny-Bocage,
792 burials

Saint-Desir-de-Lisieux, near Lisieux,
602 burials


Beny-sur-Mer - Reviers, near Courseulles,
2048 burials

Bretteville-sur-Laize - Cintheaux, between Caen and Falaise,
2959 burials


Grainville-Langannerie, between Caen and Falaise,
650 burials


La Cambe, between Bayeux and lsigny,
21160 burials

19794 burials

Huisnes-sur-Mer, near Pontorson,
11956 burials

Marigny - La Chapelle-en-Juger, near Saint-Lo,
11169 burials

Orglandes, near Valognes,
10152 burials

Saint-Desir-de-Lisieux, near Lisieux,
3735 burials


From west to east American sector


The " Fort du Roule " Liberation Museum
Tel. (33) 53.03.58


Airborne Museum (U.S.)
Tel. (33) 41.41.35


Utah Beach Landing Museum
Tel. (33) 42.05.36


Omaha Beach Museum


1939-1945 Exposition

British Sector


D-Day Museum
Tel. (31) 22.34.31


The n- 4 Commando Museum (Commando Kieffer)
Tel. (31) 97.18.63

Benouville-Pegasus Bridge

Airborne Museum (British)
Tel. (31) 93.31.22


Battle of Normandy Memorial Museum Bd Fabian Ware
Tel. (31) 92.93.41


Merville Battery Museum


Battle of Tilly Museum

The Coastal Conservation Trust

On the Landing Beaches, the Coastal Conservation Trust has acquired several sites with a view of protecting and managing : the Merville, Longues-sur-Mer batteries, the site of Omaha Beach, the Pointe du Hoc, the Manvieux cape at Tracy-Arromanches.


Comiti Departmental du Tourisme du
Caivados, Place du Canada, 14000 CAEN
tel. 16 (31)86.53.30

Comite du Deibarquement
14400 BAYEUX
tel. 16 (31) 92.00.26

Commonwealth War Graves Commission
Rue Angile Richard
Beaurins - 62012 ARRAS Cedex
tel. 16 (21) 23.03.24

Cimetire American de Saint-Laurent
tel. 16 (31) 22.40.62

Edition du Comite Departmental du
Tourisme et de la Commission du
Tourisme du Conseil General du

Printed in France

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