43rd Reunion 19-20-21 May, 1989


Time is flying by and the 43rd Reunion is not too far away. We are looking forward to a large turn-out this year so don't miss out. Get your reservations in with your deposit now. Seventy-five rooms have been reserved up untill April 28.

The Hospitality Room located on the Lobby Floor will have its usual drinks and sandwiches. The cost will be the same $15.00 for the men, only $5.00 for association dues. The $15.00 covers the cost of food, open bar, Saturday nite music, honor guard, bugler, etc.

For those attending the Banquet only, the cost will be $50.00 for the men and $25.00 for the women. This can be paid upon arrival at the 150th desk located in the lobby. This cost covers everything mentioned above plus Saturday Banquet.

GOOD NEWS: Col. Bruce Reagan hopes to be able to attend.

BAD NEWS: Boats for the boat and trolly trip will not be available. We will still have the trip by trolly and will visit the Boot Mill and Mogan Culture Center. Total time of trip 1 1/2-2 hrs. We must be at the visitor's center by 9:55 A.M.

Once again don't wait any longer. Get your reservations in now. Looking forward to seeing you at the Lowell Hilton, Lowell, Mass.

THE LOWELL COMMITTEEengineer drawing

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